Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's been a while!

Things have been busy with school so I haven't taken the time to blog in a while. The girls just had their speech festival at school and they both did very well. Ryan and I were both able to be there it watch them give their speeches. Ryan just took Haiden skiing for her first time today, she was so excited, I can't wait to see how she likes it. Madi has been snowboarding for several years now, so she will be up on the hill doing her own thing! Elle is growing like a weed, and I can't believe she will be three in a few of months. Time flies!


rachel said...

Randee! Your blog is so cute, now I can know all about you and what you are doing! hahaha, this is so good, now we can keep in touch better!

Trevor and Dayna said...

I can't wait to see your kids ski and snowboard. Guess it will have to be next year due to a baby and broken arm!