Saturday, March 28, 2009


Haiden has just starting taking Jiu-Jitsu with her Dad and her are some of her pictures from class. I haven't seen Haiden so excited about an activity, she is loving every minute of it, and she loves being able to do it with her dad.

Haiden poising for the camera.

Group exercises.

Listening to the coach.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hello Again

The computer is now up and running again! Here are a few pictures since I haven't posted some in a while.

Madi Rose's broken arm! She is doing great, she now can take the splint off when she sleeps.

I decided I needed a change so I whated some before pictures of my hair! So here's a view from the back.

Here's a view from the front!

Here's the finished product, I know I would have looked much better with makeup, but I didn't want to put it on!

Here's Elle taking a bath!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sorry no pictures, because we are having computer issues and I can't down load pictures onto my laptop. Anyways lots of things have happened. Madi broke her arm while snowboarding at Pebble. She went skiing with her school and Ryan got a call from her teacher and he had to drive up and get her. I was working at the hospital and was able to meet them at the doctors office to get the news. The girls just had 80's day at their school, and let me tell you how great they looked with big hair! Haiden has just started taking jujitsu and loves it, her dad started it first and she really wanted to do it. Elle, is growing to fast, my baby will be turning 3 soon, I can't believe it. I am almost done with school I only have 2 months to go and I will finally be a college graduate!